About WBC Pro

Worlds Best Cables Pro (WBC Pro) is a brand name owned and trademarked by Perstaff Holdings (Private) Limited. WBC Pro is a leading supplier of the best pro audio analogue cable assemblies to the professional and home user on Amazon North America, Amazon United Kingdom, and Amazon Australia.

WBC Pro sells the most concise range of standard and specialist cable assemblies manufactured and supported by the expertise of our outstanding cable assembly and technical departments.

Our priority is to provide the best value possible for our customers. We do this by years of R&D, followed by a custom manufacturing process of our cables, and sourcing the best connectors directly from industry leading manufactures across the globe; then manufacturing cable assemblies from our cables and the sourced connectors, and selling it direct to you, our valued customer, thus making it possible to offer the everyday low prices.

Across the globe, Worlds Best Cables is known for unmatched value and sincere customer support, including an industry leading 10 year warranty for most of our cable assemblies. This we bring to our Pro brand – Worlds Best Cables Pro.

We welcome you to give us a try and join the ever growing happy and satisfied and valued customer base of Worlds Best Cables Pro.

Thank you and have an amazing day!

Anu Perera